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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Wildfire Safety Tips

7/21/2019 (Permalink)

California has been hit with wildfires years in recent years so to keep residents of Carmel Valley and Rancho Santa Fe safe here is a guideline on what to do if a wildfire is approaching your property.

  • Keep all windows and doors shut at your property.
  • Cover any openings in the property (vents, windows, etc.) with duct tape and/or plywood.
  • Place your car facing forward out into the driveway so you don’t need to back out.
  • Place important documents and positions inside the car.
  • Make sure to keep your windows closed in your car.
  • Turn off propane and/or natural gas, place any propane barbecues into the open away from any properties or structures.
  • Turn on all the lights in the house and outside the house.
  • Move anything that can ignite easily away from windows and doors.
  • Place a ladder on the roof of the property.
  • If you own a lawn sprinkler place it on the roof and turn it on.
  • Move any combustible material away from property or any structures.
  • Find out information on evacuation locations and if they have any restrictions on things you can bring such as pets.
  • Keep an ear to the ground and keep up with local news through radio or TV regarding the situation.

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