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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Smoke Damage

3/21/2019 (Permalink)

Do you believe that only a professional should take care of smoke damage? Once the flames are put out and the firefighters leave, people think that the fire damage left over should be easy to take care of. However, knowing how to clean smoke damage the right way takes years of experience to master, which means that you should leave the job for experienced professionals.

One powerful thing that a fire can leave behind is ash residue. Aside from the fact that this could hurt your lungs, ash residue can cause extensive corrosion on the structure as well. Ash residue is also not an easy thing to get rid of; it easily spreads around the place and the smallest amount of it can cause further damage to your furniture and to the remaining structure. It causes discoloration on any kind of surface and can also cause metals to tarnish.

And what happens when you fail to get rid of all this ash residue on your own? You’ll find yourself overwhelmed when the damage has spread out, increasing your costs and making you wish you left it to the professionals the first time.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (858) 756-5655

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